Monday, November 18, 2019


 Product and Services

What is Tourism Product? Tourism product can define as things that can be offered to the tourists to visit a tourist destination. The product can class as leisure, pleasure, religious or business needs. Besides, the tourism product is also class as Tourism Oriented Products (TOP), Residents Oriented Products (ROP), and intangible products.
Al-ilmi Travel & tours Sdn Bhd only provide international package such as travel to Umrah, Aceh, Lombok, Guangzhou and Shenzhen and others package. To fulfil the need and wants of the customer, Al-ilmi Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd had offered full-board package and half-board package for evey single package which has offer by them. Each of the package has the classification and it is also differencing in services and price. For example, Umrah has class as budget package, silver plus package, gold plus package, and economy plus package. What is the difference between budget package and gold plus package? The differences between the package is in terms of price, travel date,hotels, meals provided during the trip. For example, the budget package travel to Umrah has included 3 meals in a day while the gold plus package only included breakfast. To make more differences between budget package and gold plus package, Al-ilmi Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd has offer a free visit to “Taif” for those who had purchase for gold plus package to Umrah.
What is Service? Service can relate as services which provides by the tour operator services, tour guide services, travel agency, hotels, restaurants, catering, and other related services. The services which has offered by Al-ilmi Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd are reservation, guided tours and transport facilities. The customer who has purchase full-board package can enjoy the transportation such as a grab car transfer the customer from airport to hotel in two way. Besides, Al-ilmi Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd is also provided guided tours for customers, they can know about the activities that will undergo during the travel journey. This is because Al-ilmi Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd will send the tour itinerary to the customers at least one day early before they travel, so the customer has a mindset about the travel scheduled.

Types of international packages offered in Al-

Ilmi Travel & Tours.

l  Package Umrah that provide 12 days 10 nights that costs RM6570 per persons. It is also have two types of umrah which is like Umrah Gold and Umrah Gold Plus. The differents of this types is just a accomodation that near from Mekah.

l  Packages from Middle East which is;
1. Jordan Palestines provide 8 days 6 night, costs RM6690 per person (fullboard)
2. Iran provide 10 days 7 nights, costs RM4477 per person(fullboard)
3. Mesir provide 11 days 8 nights, costs RM5790 per person(full board)
4. Pakistan provide 9 days 7 nights, costs RM4977 per person(full board)

l  Packages From Asia which is;
1.        Jeju provides 4 days 3 nights, costs RM2677 per person(full board)
2.        Korea Nami Island provides 6 days 4 nigh, costs RM2977 per person(full board)
3.        Delhi Jaipur Taj Mahal provides 7 days 5 nights,costs RM3777 per person (full board)
4.        Uzbekistan provides 8 days 6 nights, costs RM4677 per person (full board)

l  Packages from Europe which is ;
1.        Turki provides 9 days 7 nights, costs RM3877 per person (full board)
2.        UK-Belgium-Holland-Germany-Switzerland-France(Packages 6 country) provides 10 days 7 nights, costs RM6877 (halfBoards)
3.        Switzerland-Germany-Austria provides 9 days 7nights, costs RM7277 (halfboards)
4.        Austria-Germany-Czech-Slovakia-Hungary provides 10 days 9 night, costs RM6977 (Halfboard)

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